Arrange a session with us

Students at Caius BME conference 2019

Most school visits into Caius happen through our Multi-School Visit Days for schools. Generally, each visit day will invite 10 students from each school to visit Caius for a presentation, tour, and sometimes other activities too. These are usually conducted between January and March for year 10 and year 12, and late June to early July for year 9 and year 10. Information about these will be sent to our link schools via our mailing list. If you are a teacher or supporter from a school/college in our link area and are not on our mailing list, please email schools@cai.cam.ac.uk.

Outside of this, we are happy to discuss running a session with your school/college. We regularly offer online sessions for a variety of year groups. We also offer unguided visits to Caius for groups of 10-15 students; please get in touch via email to discuss this with a member of the team. We may be able to visit your school/college, or offer a staff-led visit for around 20 students; these are allocated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact gwyneth.hamand@cai.cam.ac.uk for London and schools@cai.cam.ac.uk to reach the whole team.

We look forward to meeting you, and to working with you and your students, staff and communities.​